Week March 17 - 23, 2025


Research on The Antecedents and Consequences of Equity Incentive before Listing: Based on the Growth Enterprise Market

Ying Ma

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction and Purchasing Behavior in Family Offices

Fangfang Ye

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Becoming Culturally and Pedagogically Relevant Through Hane'

Charlton Long

Learning, Literacies and Technologies (PHD)

Educ - Hiram Bradford Farmer 413


Is corporate financial Investment crowding out employment? -- Evidence from New Regulations on Asset Management

Jiaxu Lin

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Study on the Effects of Online and Offline Integrated Marketing Promotion in Pharmaceutical Companies.

Jun Han

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


How Equity Incentive Announcements Affect the Stock Price Performance of Listed Companies -- An Empirical Study on Chinese A-share Listed Companies from 2021 to 2023

Jiayi Lin

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on the Performance and Influencing Factors of Private Equity Fund Investment in Pre-IPO Rounds of Companies Listed on China's Science and Technology Innovation Board.

Jingtian Zhang

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Field Visualization of Pin Fin Arrays Designed by Computationally Efficient Three-dimensional Optimization

Nam Phuong Nguyen

Mechanical Engineering (PHD)

Creativity Commons 216


Research on the Economic Value of Highway Original Equity Holders Issuing REITs

Xiuqin Dai

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on Optimizing and Systematizing Internet Bidding Advertising for Local Lifestyle Services

Hang Jiang

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


From Culture to Growth: A Historical Analysis Based on the Great Divergence between the East and the West

Xiaosong Liu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


The Impact of Reverse Mixed Ownership Reform on Private Listed Companies

Kai Li

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on the Role of Lawyers in Handling Historical Issues of Agricultural Land in Hainan

Yinqi Wang

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Digital Management of Clinical Sales Behavior Assessment and Performance Improvement

Honglan Peng

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Process Research on Incubating Mixed-Ownership Entrepreneurial Projects by Listed Companies: A Case Study of Company X

Tian Tang

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Analysis of Differences in Internationalization Practices of Chinese Integrated Photovoltaic Module Enterprises

Li Feng

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


The Impact of Knowledge-Payment IP Host Characteristics on Consumer Purchase Intention

Bo Jiang

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Incentives at Work Shaping Individual Behaviors and Institutional Outcomes in Public Policy

Dallin Overstreet

Public Administration and Policy (PHD)

University Center (DTPHX) 480A


Research on the Impact of Listed Companies' Equity Participation in Industry Funds on Their Growth and Market Value

Yin Qin

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Analysis of the Impact of Strategic Hedging on Financial Indicators of Major Domestic and International Copper Producers

Yiming Wu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


How does Digital Transformation Affect Business Performance -- from the Perspective of Enterprises' Total Factor Productivity and the Case of Wolong

Yufeng Mo

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


A Time-Discrete Haptic Feedback System for People with Lower-Limb Prostheses

Gabriel Kaplan

Human Systems Engineering (MS)


Research on Parachuted Executives' Compensation Incentives and Corporate Performance

Shihao Ma

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on the Relationship between Internet Platform Economy and Employment Quality

Di Hu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Generation of Control Signals from Human ¿¿ECoG Data

Sankardas Kariparambil Sudheesh

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Systems Engineering) (MS)


Browning of White Adipose Tissue Through Local Injection of Specific Browning Agents in Obese C57BL/6J Mice

Alec Bonaguidi

Nutritional Science (MS)

850 N 5th St #500, Phoenix, AZ 302


Bridging Worlds: Enhancing Dual Enrollment through a Community of Practice

Noah Levinson

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Analysis of the Value and Impact Mechanism of Spin-offs on Parent and Subsidiary Companies in Chinese Listed Companies

Keqing Ning

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Delinquency Involvement, and Child Welfare Interventions on Adult Criminal Behavior: A Latent Class Analysis

Nana Adwoa Agyapong

Criminology and Criminal Justice (MS)


Improving First-Year Students' Transition To College By Fostering Skills In Time Management, Communication, Self-Efficacy, And Self-Advocacy

Lauren Lee

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Analysis of GP Evaluation Factors in Fund-of-Funds Investment Decision-Making from the Perspective of Multiple Task Theory

Tao Gu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


A Study of the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Performance of Commercial Banks

Lei Sun

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Sales Management Ability and Performance in Engineering Companies - An Empirical Study Based on the CE Company

Qianhui Liu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Enhancing Generalization in Computer Vision: Universal Representations and Data Augmentation

Sheng Cheng

Computer Science (PHD)


The impact of new regulations on real estate investment and financing market

Yadong Ju

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on the Relationship between Core Competitiveness of Interior Design Companies and Its Performance Under the Circumstance of Decline

Xiaofeng Ran

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Research on Integration Strategy of High Frequency Wire Harness Enterprise for New Energy Vehicles

Haibin Su

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF


Economic Conditions, Family Form, and Way of Old-Age Care for Urban Elderly ¿¿Analysis of Elderly Residents in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration

Lingling Liu

Global Financial Management (DBA)

Shanghai SAIF

Week March 24 - 30, 2025


Robust Camera Pose Estimation for Mobile Robots with Applications to Non-Line-of-Sight Tracking

Shenbagaraj Kannapiran

Mechanical Engineering (PHD)


Machine Learning Methods for Temporal Sequences of Events and Series

Francisca Quijada Dibarrart

Industrial Engineering (PHD)


Exorcising Everson's Ghost: The History that Haunts American Church-State Jurisprudence

Sarah Kim

Classical Liberal Education and Leadership (MA)



Examining the Relationship between Breastfeeding Duration and Early Child Motor Development in Underserved Hispanic preschoolers

Dorcas Jing Teng Chong

Nutritional Science (MS)

Health South 470


Ripple Reduction Technique for Single Stage Switched Capacitor Converters and Delay Mode Hysteretic Buck Converter

Rakshit Dambe Nayak

Electrical Engineering (PHD)

Interdisciplinary Sci/Tech IV 555A


Identification of non-canonical disulfide bond crosslinks in the sulfhydryl oxidase QSOX1 and substrate complexes using a kinetic - based thiol trap

Austin Blackmon

Molecular and Cellular Biology (PHD)

Life Science C-Wing 202


Saraswati: For Solo Cello and Violin Ensemble by Jody Rockmaker A Recording Project Exploring Indian Classical Music for the Western Classical Musician

Jennifer Son

Music (Performance) (DMA)

Music Building E243


Large-Scale Hydrogen Production from Hydropower: A Case Study of the Columbia River Basin System

Selisa Andrus

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


Point Cloud Failure Criterion for Impact Modeling of Composite Structures.

Ashutosh Maurya

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)

Barry M. Goldwater Center 409


Design, In Vivo Testing, and Wireless Monitoring of an Implantable Valve for Alternative Hydrocephalus Treatment

Yuna Jung

Electrical Engineering (PHD)

Biodesign Institute Bldg A AL1/10-14


Rediscovering William Grant Still: A Survey of Original Wind Band Music, Posthumous Transcriptions, and a Companion Programming Guide

Grant Knox

Music (Conducting) (DMA)

ASU Gammage 213


Putting the Mind and the Body into AI: Using Random Projections, Neuromodulation, and Cognitive Modules to Improve the Design of Modern AI Systems

Jinyung Hong

Computer Science (PHD)


Deep Learning based Speech Processing and Acoustic Clinical Analysis

Yan Xiong

Electrical Engineering (PHD)


Project Blakeana: Three New Chamber Saxophone Works by Hong Kong Composer

Calvin Wong

Music (Performance) (DMA)

Music Building E459


Study of Thin-Film Cd(Se)Te/MgCdTe Double-Heterostructure Solar Cells and Novel Epitaxial Lift-off Techniques


Electrical Engineering (PHD)


Optimizing Heat Stress Prevention in Construction Industry Through a Comprehensive Approach Integrating Sensing Devices and Training Program

Raissa Seichi Marchiori

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)


Investigating the Molecular Basis of Social and Demographic Influences on Health in Companion Dogs

Brianah Mccoy

Molecular and Cellular Biology (PHD)


Assessing the Impact of Weather Conditions on Safety in Construction Environments: Data-driven Approaches for Learning from Accidents

Peiyi Lyu

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)

Helmick Center 501


Bridging Sectors, Breaking Barriers: Forming Sustainable Coalitions for Accessibility and Disability Inclusion

Heidi Willers

English (Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies) (PHD)


Distributed Methods for Large-Scale Optimization, Learning, and Games

Ella Nguyen

Electrical Engineering (PHD)


The Role of CO Cores in Star Formation in the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy WLM

Haylee Archer

Astrophysics (PHD)


Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Application to Scheduling Problems

Jaejin Lee

Industrial Engineering (PHD)


Nutrient Recovery from Human Urine and Application in Lettuce Growth Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment

Vedika Tripathi

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (MS)


Interior Evolution of Planetesimals, Asteroids, and Dwarf Planets

Samuel Courville

Geological Sciences (PHD)


Inscribed in Her Skin: The Female Body as Material Letter in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

KK Sharma

English (MA)


Perspectives of School-based Speech-Language Pathologists Serving Arizona's Emergent Bilinguals: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study

Theresa Moen

Speech and Hearing Science (PHD)


Human, Pig, Chicken, Cow: The Marketing of Animals in Late-Stage Capitalism

Adam Hoffman

English (Literature) (PHD)


CREATE Program Insights: Educator Perspectives on Integrating Equity-Centered and Trauma-Informed Strategies in Elementary Education through Community of Practice

Cherise Brashear

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Quantum Field Theory Across Scales: Parton Showers, String Theory, and Inflationary Cosmology

Panagiotis Christeas

Physics (PHD)

Barry M. Goldwater Center 505


Silent Her-Story: Chinese Women Artists from 1989 to Present

Huixian Dong

Design, Environment and the Arts (History, Theory, and Criticism) (PHD)


The Haze, The Gaze, and The Zoom: An Examination of Steven Spielberg's Style Through Statistical and Textual Shot Analysis

Joe Fortunato

Journalism and Mass Communication (PHD)


Democracy, dissent, and data: A QuantCrit analysis of community college and university students' civic engagement, activism, and institutional responsibility from 2015 to 2025

Lauren Kater

Justice Studies (PHD)

Week March 31, 2025 - April 06, 2025


Beyond Borders: Investigating Ruben Darío's Contributions to Transborder Studies

Pablo Hernandez Mendieta

Transborder Studies (MAS)


A Method for the Integration of Low-Grade Waste Heat in Direct Air Capture Processes

Lindsey Hamblin

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


Postpartum Depression and its Association with the Abundance of Bacteria Found in the Breast Milk Microbiome

Carissa Weiberg

Nutritional Science (MS)

Wexford 302


Preservation of Western Armenian Language, Culture, and Identity in the Diaspora - A Study of Armenian Schools in Arabic-Speaking Countries

Setrag Hovsepian

Educational Policy and Evaluation (PHD)

Farmer Education Building 308


Building Trust in AI via Safe and Responsible Use of LLMs

Amrita Bhattacharjee

Computer Science (PHD)


Motherhood and the Watchful Eye: The Impact of U.S.-Mexico Border Control on Mothers in Borderlands

Gabriela Aros

Transborder Studies (MAS)


A Diabatic Framework for Exotic Hadrons: Generalizing the Dynamical Diquark Model

Steven Martinez

Physics (PHD)


¿No one noticed her: Understanding Aging Indian Women on Screen¿

Madhurima Guha

Gender Studies (PHD)


Andragogy and Professional Learning: Rethinking Internal Structures

Ashley Nicklas

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


The Impact of ChatGPT Use on the Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs of Saudi EFL Students

Abdullah Dhafer A ALWADAI

Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (MA)

Ross-Blakley Hall 117


An Evolutionary Approach to Tourism Motives

Amanda Kirsch

Psychology (PHD)


System Optimization of HVAC Systems in Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities

Hsiao-Ping Ni

Systems Engineering (PHD)

College Avenue Commons 410


Between Learning and Space: Shaping an Architecture School

Mohammad Alrajhi

Design, Environment and the Arts (Design) (PHD)


Development of Passive Acetone Detection for Fat Oxidation Monitoring

Oscar Osorio Perez

Biological Design (PHD)

Biodesign Institute Bldg B B205A


A Performance Guide to Han-Ki Kim's Korean Simple Suite No.1 Op.267 For Violin and Piano: An Exploration of Korean Musical and Cultural Influences

HyeonSeon Jo

Music (Performance) (DMA)

Music Building E243


Optimization and Mechanical Performance of 3D-Printed Auxetic Structures: Effects of Geometry, Material, and Process Parameters

Ayush Priyadarshi

Mechanical Engineering (MS)

Wilson Hall 237


Evaluating ion exchange resins as ecological niches for biofilm formation and Legionella pneumophila persistence

Vishnu Kotta

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (MS)


Advancements in PDMS-Coated Carbon Nanotube Electrode Arrays: Enabling Simultaneous Monitoring of Brain Oxygen Partial Pressure and Neural Activity

Livia De Mesquita Teixeira

Biomedical Engineering (PHD)

Biodesign Institute Bldg B B362


A Multi-Objective Optimization of Li-ion Battery Energy Storage in Commercial and Industrial Facilities

Joe Elio

Mechanical Engineering (PHD)


The Wave Equation in the Context of Reduced Group C star Algebras

Fan Huang

Mathematics (PHD)


Structural Built-In Self-Test of Analog and Radio Frequency Circuits Using ON/OFF Keying and Delay Monitors

Samantha Janssen

Electrical Engineering (MS)


Development of a shear-thinning hydrogel/microgel composite system for the exogenous presentation of NRG1 for treating neural injury

Gregory Jensen

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


Hyemo discourse in the 4B movement in South Korea: Its function and context

Daeun Shin

Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (PHD)


Integration-Informed Digital Systems For Use in Knowledge Procurement, (Gate)keeping, and Experience

Xavier Nokes

Media Arts and Sciences (PHD)


Meaning-Making: The Association of First-Year Outcomes and Self-Authorship at a Religious University

Sam Brubaker

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


The Collider Conundrum: Comparing the Performance of Restriction of Range Correction Methods in Application to Collider Bias

Sophia Lamp

Psychology (Quantitative Research Methods) (PHD)


The Digital Divide: Gender, Social Media, and Voter Turnout in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

Jayla Perkins

Political Science (MA)

Lattie F. Coor Hall 6761


Electrically Assisted 3D Printing of Bio-inspired Functional Materials

Tengteng Tang

Mechanical Engineering (PHD)


Best Practices for Whole Genome Sequencing Informed Consent: A Qualitative Study on Genetic Counselors' Perspectives

Madison Brekke

Genetic Counseling (MS)


Development of a Digital Optical Biosensor for Point-of-Care Assessment of CAR T-Cell Therapies

Monica Venkataramana

Biomedical Engineering (MS)

Biodesign Instute Bldg. A AL 1-50


¿Leveraging Leadership Through Purposeful Parenting¿ Understanding the Perceived Relationship Between Parenting Style and Transformational Leadership Development in Girls During Their Formative Years: A Phenomenological Study

Kendra Asmus

Organizational Leadership (MS)


Adapting Chinese Southwestern Folk Music to Cello: An Analysis and Performer's Guide to Chen Yi's Three Bagatelles from China West (for Cello and Piano)

Yongqi Lao

Music (Performance) (DMA)

Music Building W236


Cometabolic degradation of chlorinated solvents in cultures fed with propane and methanol

Riley Berg

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (MS)

Biodesign Institute Bldg A A250


Understanding the Interrelationships of Indigenous Epistemologies, Research Methodologies, and Persistence in the Environmental Sciences.

Joseph Gazing Wolf

Environmental Life Sciences (PHD)


Exploring Extratextual Talk during Shared Book Reading Interactions among Bilingual Parent-Child Dyads

Marissa Castellana

Psychology (PHD)


'So many uncomfortable spaces': BIPOC Journalists Navigate Identity, Journalistic Culture, and Fairness in U.S. Broadcast Newsrooms

Kristina Vera-Phillips

Journalism and Mass Communication (PHD)


The Emotional Lives of Dogs: What We Know Versus What We Perceive

Holly Molinaro

Psychology (PHD)


Mechanisms and Regulation of Immersive Pattern Formation in Bacterial Cells Directed by a Synthetic Reaction-Diffusion Circuit.

Samat Bayakhmetov

Molecular and Cellular Biology (PHD)

Life Sciences E-Wing 244


Ozone Nanobubbles: Impact on Natural Organic Matter and Accelerated Ozone Decomposition

Kathleen Myers-Haeussler

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (MS)


Integrating Observations and Modeling to Understand Snowmelt-Driven Streamflow Dynamics During the Colorado River Basin Drought

Swastik Ghimire

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (MS)


Sex-Related Alcohol Expectancies and Condomless Sex

Weiqi Chen

Nursing and Healthcare Innovation (PHD)


Effects of Practicing Self-Compassion on Social Comparison and Well-Being

Haruka Oshika

Psychology (MS)

Faculty Administration Bldg S101


Radiation Effects in Isolation Oxides

Tyler Kirby

Electrical Engineering (MS)

Interdisciplinary Sci/Tech IV 555A


Exploration of Adaptive Equalizers in Optical SDA version 3.0 Receiver Processing Chain

Samuel Derenge

Electrical Engineering (MS)


Move More to Do More: A Mixed Methods Feasibility and Acceptability Study Exploring Physical Activity Educational Messaging and Exercise Motivation among Midlife Female Bariatric Patients

Karen Moreno

Exercise and Nutritional Sciences (PHD)

AZ Biomedical Collaborative 146


Health risk trade-offs when using sustainable waste streams as agricultural crop fertilizers

Joanna Harrison

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)


Powerful Partnerships: Improving Relationships Between Administrators and School-Based Behavioral Health Professionals

Jessica Fisher

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)

Faculty Administration Bldg N280


"It's time to get personal": Cultivating Spaces of Acompañamiento with Latinx Youth & Latinx Young Adult Literature Book Clubs

Sandra Saco

English (English Education) (PHD)

Ross-Blakley Hall 196


Arquetipos y figuras de la identidad cultural argentina: del gaucho al pibe, de Maradona a Messi

Bruno Nowendsztern

Spanish Literature and Culture (PHD)

Durham Hall 109


White Emotions in Action

Annie Ferguson

Sociology (PHD)


Developing a Framework for Early Detection of Sand Dune Remobilization: A Case Study in the Parker Dunes, Arizona, USA

Kenzie Shandonay

Geography (PHD)


Understanding Solar Cell Performance Using Light-Based Measurement Techniques

Mason Mahaffey

Electrical Engineering (PHD)


Randomized Edge-preserving Methods for Inverse Problems

Victoria Uribe

Applied Mathematics (PHD)


COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities and the Impact towards Public Health: A Dissertation

Jason Walker

Criminology and Criminal Justice (PHD)

University Center (DTPHX) 580A


Beetle Mania Continued: Mathematical Studies of Tribolium Confusum

Samantha Brozak

Applied Mathematics (PHD)


Design facilitation of co-design in the industry

Wenqi Zheng

Design, Environment and the Arts (Design) (PHD)

Design South 143


Investing in Biophilic Design Integration for Stakeholders

Aya Alkamali

Design, Environment and the Arts (Design) (PHD)

Design North 159


Structures of Whiteness: The Gothic House and the Construction of Whiteness in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century British Women's Novels

Andrea Zamora Chavez

English (MA)

Ross-Blakley Hall 103


Assessing the integration of updated noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) guidelines into prenatal practice

Leor Friedman

Genetic Counseling (MS)


Scalable Continuous 3D Printing of Polymer Nanocomposites: Innovations for Functional Applications

Luyang Liu

Manufacturing Engineering (PHD)

Week April 07 - 13, 2025


Providing LGBTQIA+ Student Focused Opportunities to Increase LGBTQIA+ Student Involvement Aimed at Strengthening LGBTQIA+ Students' Authentic Identities at a Community College

Sean Moore

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


The Role of Dynamic Physical Cues on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Behavior

Grace Schwarz

Biological Design (PHD)

Engineering Center G-Wing G320


Three Essays in Asset Pricing

Shuhao Ren

Business Administration (Finance) (PHD)

Business Administration Bldg 265


Vectorial Counterpoint: A Compositional and Theoretical Approach to Multisensory Integration through VR/XR Interactive Performance Systems, Spatial Audio, and Live-Processing Electronics Within A Tridimensional Algorithmic Framework

Eduardo Orea Dominguez

Music (Interdisciplinary Digital Media) (DMA)


The Impact of Co-Ethnic Interpersonal Communication: Bilingual Latino Immigration Lawyers' perspectives on how working with monolingual immigrant clients influences their sense of self, social role, and belonging.

Evelyn Cruz

Transborder Studies (PHD)


Mary Wollstonecraft and Sarah Grand on Girls' Education During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Sharifah Alhazmi

English (MA)

Ross-Blakley Hall 196


Mixed Traffic Systems with Destination-Driven Platooning of Autonomous Vehicles and Human Driven Vehicle Dynamics on Freeways with Multiple Lanes: Modeling and Analysis

Kerem Demirtas

Industrial Engineering (PHD)


Weaning at Altitude: A Multiscalar Perspective on Childhood Diet and Development Among the Tiwanaku of the South-Central Andes (C.E. 700-1050)

Marcos de la Rosa Martinez

Anthropology (PHD)


Essays in Aggregate Labor Markets

Sujan Bandyopadhyay

Economics (PHD)

Creativity Commons 480


Bio-Inspired Nondestructive Tap Testing: Exploring Aye-aye's Acoustic Sensing Adaptation

Hamid Nemati Noghlebari

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)


Modulating Immune Responses in Vaccine Immunotherapy: The Impact of Adjuvant Crystallinity and Controlled Antigen Release

Arezoo Esrafili

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


Jesuit Mission Music for the Young Tenor-Bass Choir: An Age-Appropriate Arrangement of Zipoli's Misa de Potosí

Teresa Murphy

Music (Conducting) (DMA)

Music Building E243


Clarifying Relational Ethics: A Comprehensive, Validated Set of Principles for University-Community Partnerships

Celina Tchida

Community Resources and Development (PHD)


Molecular design of selective sorbents for heavy metal oxyanion removal from water

Obinna Nwokonkwo

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


3D Printing of Electroactive Hydrogels Enhanced with Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO)

Sonia Hernandez

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Systems Engineering) (MS)

Technology Center 104E


Daily Vinegar Ingestion and 24-hour Blood Glucose Control in Adults with Glucose Intolerance: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Novia Chiew

Nutritional Science (MS)

Health North 107


Reducing Cognitive Load in Healthcare: A Data-Driven Avatar System for Report Visualization and Doctor-Patient Interaction

Utkarsh Singh

Computer Science (MS)


Finding the Familiar: Memetics in Religious Works of the Middle Ages

Savannah Woodworth

English (Literature) (PHD)


The Application of the Transactional Model of Stress to Understanding the Relationships between Children's Peer Victimization and Subsequent Academic Adjustment

Stephanie Thibault

Family and Human Development (PHD)


Justice in Climate Solutions: Examining Policy Pathways for Achieving a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition

Mokshda Kaul

Sustainable Energy (PHD)


Enhancing Geographic Information Retrieval by Generative AI and Large Language Models

Yuanyuan Tian

Geographic Information Science (PHD)


Between Compliance and Resistance: Portraits of Former English Learners and Bilingual Pre-Service Teachers of Color in Structured English Immersion Teacher Training

Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong

Learning, Literacies and Technologies (PHD)


Fostering Belonging through Changemaker Education in a First-Year Student Success Course

Sandra Lafleur

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Developing Educator Allyship for Gifted, LGBTQ+ Youth

Elizabeth Mendoza

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)

Faculty Administration Bldg N280


The Role of Family and Socioeconomic Status on Children's Water Intake and Hydration

Clarissa Long

Nutritional Science (MS)

850 PBC (Wexford) 248


Centering Indigenous Knowledge Sovereignty for Community Memory Keeping: An Exploration of Digital Storytelling and Countermapping

Alycia de Mesa

Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology (PHD)


Enhancing Teacher Capacity for Social-Emotional Learning and Character Development in Islamic Schools

Zahra Brifkani

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


The Prosocial Classroom: Fostering Social-Emotional Competencies for New Teachers

James Bock

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)

Faculty Administration Bldg N280


A Multifaceted Account of Neural Auditory Encoding in Dyslexia: Evidence from Cortical Electroencephalography (EEG), Genetic Influences, and Clinical Subphenotypes

Yookyung Kim

Speech and Hearing Science (Translational Genetics of Communication Abilities) (PHD)


Investigation of Stimuli-Responsive Crosslinked Photopolymers: Dynamic Covalent Chemistry and Liquid Crystal Alignment

Saleh Alfarhan

Chemical Engineering (PHD)

Engineering Center G-Wing G320


Unmanned Aerial Systems Autonomous Landing Using Ultrawide band and Ultrasonic Sensors

Daylan Chock

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Electrical Engineering) (MS)

Technology Center 105D


The Role of Critical Friends Groups as Teacher Professional Development Supporting Authentic Learning Experiences

Kimberly Miller

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Leader Self-Reliance: Mixed Implications for Employee Motivational States and Downstream Consequences

Soohyun Yoon

Business Administration (Management) (PHD)

Business Administration C-Wing 213


Dynamic-Fluid-Assisted Micro Continuous Liquid Interface Production of Functional Graded Materials

Wenbo Wang

Manufacturing Engineering (PHD)


Unsheltering Truths: How Climate and Media Shape Homelessness in Phoenix, Arizona

Zachary Van Tol

Sustainability (PHD)


Diminished on the Big Screen: Cinematic Portrayals of Jewish People in German Films and Japanese People in American Films During WWII

Seth Koury

Journalism and Mass Communication (PHD)

Cronkite/Arizona PBS CONFERENCE


Should Employers Be Stepping Up? Investigating the Role of Supervisor Social Support on Employee Burnout

Zainab Nazir

Psychology (MS)

Faculty Administration Bldg S101


A Novel Fat Oxidation Model Integrating Ketogenesis and Breath Acetone Sensor for Non-Invasive Metabolic Assessment

Anh Nguyen

Chemical Engineering (PHD)

ASU Health Futures Center 169


Examining the effects of oral myo-inositol on glucose metabolism and regulation in wild European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) with naturally high blood sugar

Maggie Symes

Nutritional Science (MS)


Thrombectomy Device and Method Using Magnetically Responsive Expandable Segments

Deepit Arora

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Systems Engineering) (MS)


How many is too many? Understanding Placement Instability & Relationship Outcomes

Anisiasunta Guzelides

Psychology (MS)

Faculty Administration Bldg S101


Digital Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: Strategies for Inclusive Growth

Meredith McCullough

Public Administration and Policy (PHD)


"The Role of Parental Infant Feeding Practices in Shaping Breastfeeding Duration: How Feeding Approaches Influence Success and National Recommendations: An Observational Analysis"

Chante Coulombe

Nutritional Science (MS)

Health South 470


Equity Implications of Transportation Transitions: Assessing Emissions, Infrastructure, and Justice in the Move Toward Electrification

Andrea Cordova Cruzatty

Sustainable Energy (PHD)


Speech Decision-Making Under Task-Switch Uncertainty

Renee Kang

Auditory and Language Neuroscience (MS)


Familial Fantasies: Immigrant Narratives of Belonging in Contemporary U.S. Fiction, Film, and Media

Crystine Miller

English (Literature) (PHD)

Ross-Blakley Hall 103


Assessing speech, action, and temporal synchrony in parent-child play with familiar and unfamiliar objects

Ye Li

Psychology (PHD)


"Here, There, and Everywhere: Blending Time and Place in The Prisoner of Zenda

Janet Wagner

English (MA)

Ross-Blakley Hall 324


Human Impacts on Water Balances and Droughts in the United States and their Implications for Water Management

Sara Alonso Vicario

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)


Functionalization and Application of Membrane Systems to Combat Major Environmental Challenges

Taysha Telenar

Chemical Engineering (PHD)


Agents of Change: The Role of Corporate Leaders in Advancing Inclusion - An Institutional Perspective

Natasha Martell Jackson

Community Resources and Development (PHD)

University Center (DTPHX) 505


Childhood Reservation Residence, Cultural Engagement, and Family Dynamics of Urban American Indian Parents: A Latent Profile Analysis and Mediation Modeling

Chao-Kai Huang

Social Work (PHD)


Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Designing Instructions for Uncertainty Navigation in Science Learning

Jongchan Park

Learning, Literacies and Technologies (PHD)

Educ - Hiram Bradford Farmer 308


AI Literacy and Ethical Adoption Strategies for Generative Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education

Rachna Mathur

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Novel Statistical Methods for Spatial Microbiome Data

Ruoqian Liu

Statistics (PHD)


Comparisons of Genomic Drivers of Speciation Across Two North American Desert Genera

Sarah Baty

Evolutionary Biology (PHD)


Enfoque ecopedagógico: el mar, la selva y la ciudad en la novela latinoamericana

Gabriela Dongo Arevalo

Spanish Literature and Culture (PHD)

Durham Hall 243


Going the Distance: Exploring the Relationship between Familial and Academic Support in Academic Self-Efficacy and Career Aspirations Among Latino University Students

Natali Barragan

Psychology (MS)

Faculty Administration Bldg S101


Large Diamond Substrates for High-Power Electronics

Mihilat Fantu Manahile

Electrical Engineering (PHD)


Examining the Influence of Vulnerability Factors on Arizonans During COVID-19: Health Outcomes, Behaviors, and Experiences Among the General Arizona Population and a Subset of Ethnolinguistically Diverse Postpartum Women

Meagan Schlinkert

Global Health (PHD)


Towards Safe and Efficient AI

Anique Tahir

Computer Science (PHD)


Excluded Voices in Transit: Paving the Way for Diversity in Study Abroad through Unpacking the Stories of Facilitators of Color

Dan Xayaphanh

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Efficient Algorithms for l1-Regularized Inverse Problems Using the GSVD and Kronecker Product

Brian Sweeney

Applied Mathematics (PHD)


Does the Age of Psychosis Onset and Current Age Affect Speed of Recovery? Outcomes From a Linear Growth Model

Patricia Turner

Social Work (PHD)

University Center (DTPHX) 880N


Effective Professional Development that Sparks Creativity: ESL Teachers' Perceptions and Possibilities for Self-directed Learning

Carolina Torrejon Capurro

Learning, Literacies and Technologies (PHD)

H.B. Farmer Education Building 312


The Influence of Early-Life Affectionate Touch on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction

Sean Sachs

Psychology (MS)

Faculty Administration Bldg S101


Transformative Learning and ICC Development: The Case of SPVE-Centered Tasks

Noelle Kerber

Spanish Linguistics (PHD)


Foundation Time Series Models

Dhruv Modi

Data Science, Analytics and Engineering (Computing and Decision Analytics) (MS)

Brickyard Engineering Building 311


Standing Guard: Gatekeeping by Network News Field Producers at the 2024 U.S. Political Conventions

Grace Provenzano

Journalism and Mass Communication (PHD)

Cronkite/Arizona PBS PR LAB


Long-Range Imaging in Atmospheric Turbulence

Ripon Kumar Saha

Computer Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (PHD)


Hand-Centric Computer Vision for Assisted Technical Assembly

Salsabil Soliman

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Systems Engineering) (MS)


La ironia romantica en la narrativa de Poli Delano, Roberto Bolaño e Isabel Allende

Jorge Gonzalez Vallejo

Spanish Literature and Culture (PHD)

Virtual meeting link: zoom

Technology Center 105D

Week April 14 - 20, 2025


Co-design of electrification for island communities

Romney Kellogg

Systems Engineering (PHD)


On Friendship and Happiness

Breona Roberts

Classical Liberal Education and Leadership (MA)

Lattie F. Coor Hall 6631


Building on Effective Responses to Black Trauma Stressors Experienced by Black Students in Higher Education

Denise Mitchell

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


Exploring the Dynamics: How Relationship Health, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity Interact among Middle-aged Couples.

Jennifer Mattingly

Nursing and Healthcare Innovation (PHD)

Health South 250


The Role of Biosafety Professionals in Biotechnology Governance: Assessing Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential

David Gillum

Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology (PHD)


Homeschooling Population Trends and Cultural Capital in Three NCES-PFI Cohorts

Caitlin Albrechtsen

Educational Policy and Evaluation (PHD)


An Ecological Discourse Analysis of Historical Articulations of Choice in Art Education

Abigail Schmid

Art (Art Education) (MA)

Art Building 226


Immersive Terrain Visualization and Collaborative Geological Analysis Tooling Towards Scientific Discovery

Lauren Gold

Media Arts and Sciences (PHD)


The Dark Web Ecology: A Netnographic Study of Dark Web Social Networks

Moe Madouh

Journalism and Mass Communication (PHD)


Examining Value Creation, Examining Agency: A Mixed-Methods Study of Teachers' Experiences in Social Learning Spaces

Valerie Ramos

Leadership and Innovation (EDD)


A Case Study of the Process of Designing a Virtual Reality Music Education Project

Han-Ning Chen

Music (Music Learning and Teaching) (PHD)


Essays in Contract Theory and Vertical Relations

Nicolas Bozzo Galleguillos

Economics (PHD)

Creativity Commons 420


Will I Be Taken Care of? How Interparental Conflict Correlates to Children's Appraisals of the Parent-Child Relationship Within a Contextual Coping Framework

Sydney Parker

Law and Psychology (MSP)


Properties of 3D Printed Concretes and Evaluation of Novel Nanoscale Inclusions for their Enhancement

Sahil Surehali

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)

Interdisciplinary Sci/Tech II 201


The Chain Rule of Differentiation as a Setting for Identifying and Resolving Incoherences in Student Thinking

Steven Ruiz

Mathematics Education (PHD)


Understanding and Mitigating Changes in Commercial and Institutional Building Drinking Water Quality

Derek Hogue

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering (PHD)


Disentanglements: Hózhó as Decolonial Praxis in Eric-Paul Riege's ¿Weaving Dance¿

Roshii Montano

Art (Art History) (MA)

Grant Street Studios ROOM 163


Beyond Inclusion: Black Speculative Pedagogy as a Blueprint for STEM Transformation

Earl Lee

Justice Studies (PHD)


Daily Vinegar Ingestion and Body Composition Changes Following a 12-Week Resistance Training Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Niki Brown

Nutritional Science (MS)

Week April 21 - 27, 2025


Cross-linguistic, Cross-cultural, and Pedagogical Aspects of Metaphorical Conceptualizations of HEART. A case study of Romanian, Modern Greek, and Albanian

Gina Scarpete Walters

Comparative Culture and Language (PHD)


The Impact of Anti-Trans Legislation on Vicarious Stress Among Transgender and Nonbinary Adults: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Community Connectedness and Hope

Nico Makian Maynard

Counseling (MC)

Week April 28, 2025 - May 04, 2025


The costs of organismal coverings across the tree of life

Bogoljub Trickovic

Evolutionary Biology (PHD)

Biodesign Institute Bldg A AL1/10-14

Week May 26, 2025 - June 01, 2025

Week June 16 - 22, 2025


Examining Social Embeddedness: Perspective of Older Black Women

Tanya Burgess

Social Work (PHD)